dashboards & analytics
for professors and managers
The professor’s challenge is very much related to providing the best learning experience to the student. That includes supporting the students on the development of the activities, the management of the groups, identifying intervention necessities, and finding module’s improvement opportunities.
The professor can do and access everything the student can. But besides, he/she can also access the dashboard’s portal.
It includes interesting reports and analytics which help the professor to monitor the group in real time, as well as to identify students who are doing very well, as well as those who need help, who are not working at all and who seem to be “cheating”.
Skills radar chart
With this resource, the professor may verify the progress of a group or a single student, considering what the module offers and what the students have worked on. The lighter area regards to what the module offers. The darker area, to what the student has already worked on. So the picture shows a student who’s done almost everything.
Module approval summary
With this interface the professor may choose which disciplines and groups he/she wants to monitor, to verify who’s passed, who’s pending and so on. It’s possible to define the approval percentage in relation to the tasks available in the module.
Tasks report
This is an important tool since it provides evidence of the activities a student worked on.
That means the institution has evidence of the practical activities the distance learner has done with detailed information about it.
This other dashboard shows the number of activities the students did daily and weekly.
The professor may decide to verify it regarding a whole group/class or a specific student.
Effort/time per module
The image shows how many hours the students, individually, took to finish the module
Effort/time per task
If the professor selects a student, he/she may verify how much time the student took to develop and deliver each task of the module.
TasksDone X TimeTaken
It’s also possible to verify the distribution of the dedicated time with relation to the number of tasks done by each student at any period of time.
That helps to identify who is doing well, who may need help, who’s doing nothing and who may be trying to cheat.
Delivery trials per task
This chart helps the professor to understand which task may be the most difficult and which one may be the easiest in order to adjust the balance of the tasks in the module
Query&Answer Stats
The professor may also follow the Query&Answer numbers, in order to verify how many new questions have been made, how many are pending and so on.
Questions X Module Size
It’s also possible to verify the relation between the number of questions made by students regarding the number of tasks in the modules. So it’s possible to verify which modules are demanding more attention of professors to answer questions.
That’s interesting to drive effort to improve the instructions, theory and other contents in order to avoid doubts by the students.